Monday 19 December 2016

Hugo, Harley and Howard xxxx

Thought I would share with you a photograph of Hugo, Harley and Howard patiently waiting outside the bathroom door for me to go and make their breakfast haha xxxx

Good Morning Mummy xxxxx

Monday 12 December 2016

Chapter 1 - "Mummy - please, please, please, please can we have a puppy?????"

For months and months my children were nagging, begging and pleading for us to get a puppy often presenting rather compelling arguments about how getting a puppy would be a great way to teach them to be responsible along with an abundances of promises to help look after it, take it for walks, play with it and clean up all the little accidents the puppy may have.   

Are you experiencing the same pressure from your little angels? If so, before you purchase a new puppy there are a few things to keep in mind.
First, you need to remember that a new puppy is going to take a lot commitment. They need lots of attention and can take up quite a bit of your time so if you are already running ragged wondering why there are not enough hours in the day then right now might not be the best time.   A new puppy will need to be entertained, since they love to play and get bored easily so it really is essential that you make sure you have the time to take care of a new puppy before making this purchase.
Hugo (4th from bottom) Aged 2 Weeks

You need to remember that puppies will need training as they begin to grow up.  You should be able to find a reputable dog training school in your local area to help you train your dog by searching on the internet or via social media.  If you have the time, go along to one of the training sessions to have a look at the type of training you will be undertaking with your puppy and the level of patience you will need!  It is also a great way of meeting other new owners and their puppies. Bringing along your children to these classes with your puppy is a great idea too.
Hugo Aged 4 Weeks

A new puppy is undoubtedly going to be quite a financial investment. Not only are you going to have to pay for your puppy in the beginning (which depending on whether you decide to go for a pure breed or not, can cost in excess of £2,000) but there will be many costs for your puppy along the way.  You will also need to purchase food, bowls, toys, bedding, crate, stair gate, training pads, grooming brush and grooming products in time for your puppy coming home.  
Hugo Aged 6 Weeks

There is also the added expense of having your puppy vaccinated, wormed, flea treated and micro chipped at your local veterinary practice.  You will also have to pay for dog training classes unless you are lucky enough to find a trainer that provides classes for free.
You should also be prepared for any unexpected visits to the vets which can very very costly especially if you have not taken out pet insurance  The costs can really begin to add up over time, so keep the financial aspect in mind before deciding on your puppy.
Although puppies are cute and small when they are little, you need to remember that your puppy is going to grow up. That little puppy can get pretty large, depending on the breed that you pick. Research your puppy before buying so that you know about different breeds, how large they get and how they react with children. You need to ensure you have the room for the dog as it gets older and that it will still be great with the kids, even as it ages.
Hugo Aged 8 Weeks

Puppies and dogs need exercise!!!!  Whilst some puppies and dog enjoy playing on their own, you have to make sure you take your puppy (once vaccinated) out for some exercise on a regular basis or it can become overweight.  Taking your puppy out for exercise is also a fantastic way of socialising your puppy as anyone else walking their puppy or dog will not be able to resist saying hello.  It is also a great way of preparing for and / or maintaining your puppy training classes.  Ensure you will have the time necessary to make sure your dog gets enough exercise.
It is important that you carefully consider all these aspects of owning a puppy before buying one.  Make sure you do your research, have the time, patience, commitment, money and room available to have that puppy never forgetting that pretty quickly that little bundle of fluff you brought home has GROWN!!!!!  If you do keep these things in mind and make an informed and careful decision then buying a puppy can be exciting and a great adventure you will all enjoy.
Hugo Aged 12 Weeks (and in need of a hair cut)

I will be posting a free downloadable guide on "How To Choose Your Puppy" which will be full of useful tips and things to bear in mind in the next couple of days.  Please subscribe to become one of Hugo's Friends to reserve your copy.

Written By:

Thursday 8 December 2016

Hugo - 8 Weeks Old

We Are Also On Twitter

Hello and Welcome

Hello and welcome to the trials and tribulations of Hugo's First Year.

Hugo was born on 27th March 2016 and has been a part of our family since he was 8 weeks old. He is quite simply the most adorable, characteristic, happy and loving bundle of fluff but obviously we are going to say that 😍💖

We thought we would share with you our journey and some of the tips and tricks we learnt along the way.but please bear with us as we are new to social media ...........