Monday 6 March 2017

Natural Remedies for Shih Tzu Skin Problems

Skin problems in your Shih Tzu can lead to irritation, discomfort and possibly, infections.  For you, all of this can lead to stress and worry as you try to help your little furry baby feel better.

The best way to tackle these issues is by using natural remedies, eliminating the potentially harmful or irritating ingredients found in many products these days. Natural remedies are effective, reliable, and best of all, safe. You can use these for nearly any concern you may have with your dog.

Before choosing a natural remedy, you should first make sure that you know the source of the skin problem. Not all skin problems are equal, and not all remedies will help all problems. Understanding the source of the problem will make it easier to find an appropriate and effective treatment.

Remove the Source

Sometimes, an external source is the cause of the skin irritation. In these cases, you will want to remove that source. Fleas, certain foods and products, the environment, and allergies all play a role in this. There are numerous potential external causes for skin irritation, and removing them from your dog’s life, or learning how to manage their presence, is essential in reducing the irritation.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is another major concern for Shih Tzu owners, as these dogs are prone to experiencing this problem. Reducing the occurrence of dry skin is primarily about proper grooming, hygiene and diet. Keeping your dog groomed, clean and healthy can have a tremendous impact on his or her skin. Make sure to clean and groom on a regular basis because their fur puts them at a high risk of dry skin.

As with the above, other problems may occur that cause dry skin and irritation, like fleas and allergies. Manage these to avoid any skin problems.

Supplements and Diet

With most skin conditions, proper supplements and a healthy diet can help. Vitamins and Omega 3 are prime examples of what your Shih Tzu may need. Of course, it depends entirely on the dog’s skin condition and you should learn what is best for the problem at hand first. Alongside a healthy and nutritious diet, however, these supplements can be an immense help.

Make sure that you speak with your veterinarian before making these choices. In some cases, your dog may require medical treatment or medications for any underlying issues that you cannot diagnose at home.

As a Shih Tzu parent, you want nothing more than to give your pet the very best. The best thing you can do for your dog is to provide your pet with everything he or she needs to live a long and healthy life. This is far easier than it sounds. With these few simple steps, you can ensure that your pet is happy, healthy, and feels loved.

Give special attention to their hair

Shih Tzu's have long hair that is different from most dogs' fur. Because it is hair, similar to humans, it requires daily combing or brushing. Matting can easily form, so you must take caution not to leave it tangled otherwise, this could cause a big problem. Matting can lead to dermatitis and skin inflammation, especially when the dog tries to scratch it off its body.

They are not made for extreme weather conditions

Shih Tzu's do not require very much special care, but one thing that all owners should know is that these dogs are not made to withstand extreme weather conditions. This is particularly true during the summer, when the dog is more prone to heatstroke because of its face shape. These dogs are made to be indoor dogs, and while you can certainly take them out for walks or play outdoors on nicer days, it is best to keep them indoors when it is too hot or cold outside.

They can do with minimal exercise

Shih Tzu's are the perfect choice for owners who do not have a lot of time or energy for exercise. This breed requires very little exercise to stay healthy and to let out all of its pent up energy. A half mile walk is sufficient exercise, or you can play with your pet outdoors or inside with toys.

They have sensitive eyes

Because Shih Tzu's have bulging eyes, they are more prone to eye irritations, dryness and infections. Their long hair can also contribute to these issues, so it is important that you always keep their facial hair around their eyes neatly trimmed. Tear stains may also be an issue due to the size of the breed's tear ducts. For eye irritations and issues, talk to your vet about pet safe products you can use to keep your dog healthy and comfortable.

They are emotionally needy

These dogs are clingy to the maximum level. If you plan to have a Shih Tzu, you should be prepared to spend a lot of time with your pet. Do not underestimate this personality trait, as neglect can easily cause your Shih Tzu to get depressed. So make sure that you always provide your beloved dog with plenty of love, affection and attention.

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